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    Frequently asked questions

    How do you create the database?

    Our database is created by two systems:
    1 scrapbooking: data extraction via Google ads Facebook ads or various forums
    2 scrapper bot: program bot via telegram or other network

    Is your base verified in Bloctel?

    Yes, with each extraction, in fact, check our bloctel and red list entries.

    How long does it take to receive my order?

    From 30min to 40min

    Is the base purchased resold to other people?

    Yes, but not sold in the same business sector

    How do I reload unreachables and false information?

    You can contact our service department on WhatsApp or by e-mail with proof of your request.

    What's the difference between data and leads?

    Data are generally interested but unconfirmed contacts
    Lead of interested contacts is confirmed