By Lead Pro

We're always there to serve our customers a project realized after a long dream and an extraordinary adventure in a mix of call center business, digital marketing and marketing consultancy.
Today we have done the impossible to create this project that meets a greater need: database creation, our strategy is to create a customer portfolio on different product to give the hand to the company to increase their sales and also increase customer satisfaction. is a platform realized by prudence for the creation of the new customer while respecting the standards RGPC and the law of each country, our goal it is our customer our success it is the success of our customer.

  • We have put in place a 100% new data strategy or tailor-made lead is tested by professionals before putting it on our sales window.
    Our strengths :
    1- preparation of total prudence database
    2- 24/7 after-sales service
    3- customized preparation according to specifications
    4- duplicate replacement - unreachable -nrp - false information about a fast deadline
    5- easy payment by bank transfer - credit card - binance pay - paypal.
    Our strategy is based on a single focus: meeting our customers' needs and coming up with new ideas.
    This final point remains on performance and novelties that will arrive at the right time.